Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 12 - Shopping and Steamboat

Friday was a good day for recovering from the wedding ceremony (not too hard as it was alcohol-free), doing some extra shopping and eating tasty food.

Even Gan and Renu showed up bright and early for breakfast at the hotel. Here's the henna tattoo on Renu's hands.

We headed back to our favourite haunt, Masjik India. There are two "Little Indias" in KL (that I know of). The one at Brickfields looks like a village from Movie World, newly renovated with a giant fountain featuring Hindu deities in cartoon colours and all the buildings painted purple. That's also good for jewellery shopping. Masjik India is a little grittier but has great food and shops, especially for sarees, material and all things Indian. A few times I found myself thinking I was on holiday in New Delhi.

We stopped for sizzling Thai chicken and smoothies of mango and honeydew melon. For 6RM ($2) a meal, no complaints here. Note my hardcore tattoo remains.

After some time to relax at the hotel, we went for dinner at a Chinese and Japanese restaurant at the hotel. We opted for "Steamboat", where they serve up giant plates of ingredients which are all cooked on the table in a pot of almost boiling broth. We were originally at a smaller (but still quite large) table, but they moved us to this one so they could fit all the plates in. Apart from the three platters in this photo, they brought another one or two. It was quite an event as the waiters gathered round to check out our steamboat skills - you're meant to start piling ingredients into the pot and then fish them out at just the right time.

We clearly failed as the waitress started piling ingredients into the pot for us. Then as she fished the cooked morsels out and starting putting more in, we could barely keep up with the pace of the food being provided.

We ate a ridiculous amount of food and still only scratched the surface. It was a bit sad to see the waste, but we tried our best.

This photo rotated because the camera thought it was vertical when we took it.

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